The Chamber Music Society of Salt Lake City gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, corporations, and foundations for their generous support. Contributions to the Chamber Music Society of Salt Lake City make it possible to continue bringing the world’s finest chamber music ensembles to Utah. Support from our donors allows us to stay relevant as one of the longest-running chamber music societies in the United States.

The following reflects gifts and pledges received from July 1, 2023 through March 28, 2025.

SPONSORS ($1,000+)

Barbara & Joe Andrade
Lowell & Sherilyn Bennion
Dana Carroll & Jeannine Marlowe
Anne & Ashby Decker
Tessa Epstein
Carter Foss
Ernst & Marianne Friedrich
Jeffrey & Margaret Hatch
Gordon Irving
Elizabeth & Randy Jensen
Rhett & Willow Jeppson
Charles L. Keller & Allene H. Keller
Patricia Legant & Thomas Parks
Gudrun Mirin & Mark Gavre
Heather Moore
Justin Morgan
J. Kevin Murphy & Meredith Alden
Stephen & Mary Nichols
Judith P. Short
Ned Stephens
James C. Warenski
Judith Warner
Adam & Michelle Wester
The Murphy Alden Foundation
The William and Joanne Moeller Foundation
Salt Lake County Zoo Arts & Parks (ZAP)
Walmart Supercenter #4208

BENEFACTORS ($500-$999)

Fred Adler & Anne Collopy
Jeff Black & Deepika de Silva
Robert & Cathy Dern
Christine & George Durham
Janet Griffin
James McConkie
Susan Olson & Paul Kelley
Fred & Rochelle Wenger
Community Foundation of Utah
National Philanthropic Trust

PATRONS ($200-$499)

David & Maun Alston
Donald R. Athay
Margaret Batson
Colman Family Charitable Trust
Sam & Carole Cowley
Donna Dalton
Arthur Dummer
Sissy Eichwald
John & Leslie Francis
Ray & Harriett Gesteland
Ken & Kate Handley
Kent & Janene Holmberg
Daniel & Noemi P. Mattis
Anthony (Tony) Middleton Jr.
Dianne & Robert Miner
Louis & Deborah Moench
Anthony & Mary Ann Morgan
Clay Northrop
William Nichols & Patricia Richards
Steven & Barbara Schamel
Carrie S. Scoggins, Scoggins Violins
Jane Semmel
Glenda H. Shrader
Susan Southam
Craig R. Steury
Jim Stringfellow & Lisa Poppleton
Jonathan Turkanis
Paul Wetzel
Betty & Frank Yanowitz
E. F. Zagrodnik
William J. Zwiebel

DONORS ($50-$199)

John Aldrich
Codie & Richie Andrade
Diane Banks & Mark Bromberg
Anna & Cameron Brown
Judith & Jan Brunvand
Ada Mae Crouse
Joyce Curry
Rebecca Wing Davis
Susan Durham & Richard Mueller
James Finlayson
Jennie Finlayson
Disa Gambera
Sheila & Martin Gelman
NaaNue Gowan
Scott L. Greenwell
David Griffin
Paul Griffin
David Grunwald
Cynthia & Michael Hamilton
Richard Lichtenberg
Laurence D. Loeb
Edward Lueders
Edward Lyons
Gary & Ruth Manville
Heather McMaster
Henriette Mohebbizadeh
Mario Naves
Langdon Owen
Cheryl Palmer
Marge Pett
Carol Revelt
Wallace H. Ring
Victoria Rowntree
Rodolphe & Paula Ruffy
Michael Stallings
Charles Swallow
Peter Taillac
Herta Teitelbaum
Carolyn Tuttle
Karl von der Luft
Barry Weller


The C. Comstock Clayton Foundation
John Bennett Estate


Cactus & Tropicals
Délice Bakery & Café
ProDigital Healthcare
University of Utah School of Music


David & Bonnie Bennet
Earle R. Bevins III
Marlin Criddle
Ashby Decker
Lawrence Edwin Gold
Paul Griffin
Terry Kiss
Rabbi Fred Wenger


The University of Utah’s School of Music
for their ongoing support and partnership

Cactus & Tropicals
for providing stage botanicals for the 24/25 season

Délice Bakery & Café
for sponsoring the 24/25 season dessert receptions

CMS of SLC Board Members & Volunteers
for their in-kind support

Did we make a mistake? Please accept our sincere apologies and let us know by e-mailing